Basic subjects in engineering (mathematics, physics, chemistry, English)

In order to study specialized engineering subjects and proceed with research in specialized fields, it is necessary to understand and use the mathematics, physics, and chemistry used there. And it is necessary to improve English proficiency to understand the global trends in relevant research fields as well as to disseminate information by oneself. These are common to all departments and majors. In school of Engineering, these subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry and English) are positioned as basic subjects. In order to increase the connectivity to specialized education conducted in the higher years (third year and above), we are making efforts to raise the overall bottom and the top level within the lower years (first and second years), centered on the Institute of Engineering Education.

In the curriculum of the Engineering Faculty, students are going to learn Calculus (Calculus A&B), vector/matrix/determinant (Linear Algebra A&B), Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies (Physics A), Mechanics of Continuum and Oscillations/Waves (Physics B), Quantum Chemistry (Chemical A), Chemical Thermodynamics (Chemical B), Organic Chemistry (Chemical C). During the same period, in the Exercises in Physics and Mathematics of specialized subjects (including mathematics items learned in the second year), students are going to practice using math as a tool.

We conduct a unified test to measure how much the students have learned in the first year.